Product Information
CellDETACH™ Thermosensitive Cell Culture Surface
Using trypsin digestion or cell scrapers to separate adherent cells can affect the expression of cell surface proteins, damaging cell and reduce cell viability.
The CellDETACH™ products have a thermosensitive surface, which is coated with a unique nano-polymer. When the temperature reduce from 37°C to 4°C, the thermosensitive surface gradually changes from slightly hydrophobic to hydrophilic, resulting in adherent cells harvested without trypsin. By using the gentle collection method, cells will not be injured by the effect of trypsin or scrapers, thus preserving high viability and intact surface receptors and cell antigens. This operation enables cells to be harvested without damage for subculturing.
Products: CellDETACH™ thermosensitive cell culture dishes 100mm
CellDETACH™ thermosensitive cell culture flasks 600mL